Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Essential Attitude

I was in Austin, Texas a few weeks ago, working The Don's bootcamp with Braddock. On the second night a few of the students and I were moving to our second bar when one of them pulls me aside.

Student 1: "So, Big Business...what's it like knowing you can walk into a bar and have sex with any girl in there?"

I paused for a moment before answering, because I knew something was wrong about the question, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. In the moment before I could respond, one of the other students answered for me.

Student 2: "That's not how it works."

Yes and no, Student 2. Yes and no.

While I agree that nobody goes 5 for 5 (everybody gets blown out on occasion), there was a reason why I didn't answer right away, and that's because I had to ask myself, "How does it feel to know that I can walk into a bar and have sex with anyone I want?"

I didn't recall, remember, or realize right off the bat, that I don't go 5 for 5. I seriously had to stop and three-point-turn my brain around the idea that I'm not infallible.

But that's a good thing.

I've developed the attitude that I CAN walk into the bar and have sex with any girl I want, and that, in part, is why I've been so successful recently. I am not perfect and do not pick up 100% of the girls that I approach, but that's not important. What is important is that I think I am 100% while I'm approaching a set. In one of Sinn's bootcamps, during the inner game section, I remember him saying that a belief does not have to be true to be useful, and this is a perfect example.

After recounting to Future the story of my first same night lay, I told him that I thought I was just lucky; that I didn't want to sound like I was god's gift to game.

"No. Don't think like that. This is one of the few areas where it's useful to be overly confident in your abilities."

I'm not suggesting that you brag or talk trash about how indestructible you are, and by all means go home and think about everything you did wrong so you can fix the bad behaviors, but if you enter a room knowing in you heart that you can sleep with anyone in there, then 1/2 the work is already done. And any negative experiences will just roll right off your shoulders.

As Braddock would say, "Fuck it. You've got 3 super models waiting for you in your bed."

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