Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's the little things...

Details, gentlemen. Tiny details can be the difference between a full close and a shitty hand job.

I was cleaning my room a few nights ago, waiting for a day two to come over. I was putting away anything that I thought might be detrimental. Pickup notebook...hidden. Empty condom wrappers...thrown away. Anti-balding medication...put in the bathroom where it could be anyones.

Copy of "Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace...why don't we leave that one out and see what happens?

Later that evening...

Girl: Are you reading "Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace?
BB: Yeah.
Girl: Nice!

Pay off-Large

On a similar note, I always make sure that the "I" in any text that I send is capitalized. Sounds weird, right? Maybe, or maybe a lot of communication between humans happens below the surface. Maybe little things like back turns and having your hands in your pockets can actually affect any interaction you have with a girl.

So what does a lower case "i" feel like? To me, it feels subservient. It feels like it is not important, like it is trying to not be noticed. I used to think "i" communicated that I was laid back, easy going, or texting in a rush because I had a lot of shit to do. That might be how it reads, but is that how it looks? Just looking at it makes me want to kick sand in its puny 90 pound face.

By contrast, "I" suggests dominance, high status, confidence, and self respect. It looks like it has good posture and grooming skills. "I" have a nice car. "I" am valued in my work and social life.

Maybe capitalizing "I" doesn't actually make that big of a difference in the end. Upper case is not going to get you laid if you didn't kino escalate, qualify, and/or isolate. Still, which of the below sentences would you rather have representing you:

i hope you can keep your hands off me tonight. i took a self defense course, so watch out.
I hope you can keep your hands off me tonight. I took a self defense course, so watch out.

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