Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Incorporating Game III: Thought Exercises

The two issues I hear most with new students are A) Dealing with Approach Anxiety and B) Staying motivated. Once the momentum from bootcamp wears off, a lot of students just slide back into their regular lives. They don't go out. They don't approach.

Those are the things you NEED to do, though. I would argue that for some those are the ONLY things you need to do to get good. It is tough, though, to keep going out and to keep approaching. Some of us have crazy busy lives. Some of us are sans wing. There are a hundred reasons why one would not be able to keep working at this, but it is essential to keep working at it. To that end, I'm here to tell you guys about three thought exercises that helped me to continue going out and meeting ladies.

Disclaimer: These are a little "self-help-y new-age-y." Forgive me. I post what I think might help people.

1) Focus on the "Why I should" and not on the "Why I should not."

A lot of times I'll be at home and the TV will be on and I'll look over at the clock and see that is is already 10pm. FUCK! If I leave the house now, I won't get to the bar until 11pm, which is already late for a Thursday...bla bla bla bla all reasons why I SHOULD NOT go out.

Fuck those reasons. What are the reasons why I should go out? If I go out I might meet someone cool, OR hook up with someone hot, OR have an incredible conversation, OR learn some new pattern or develop a new routine. When you focus on the SHOULD's then you are that much more likely to go out.

2) Your Perfect Girl.

Same situation. You are at home and trying to get out of the house to go do pickup, but you need that extra little edge. Use this visualization exercise: Imagine yourself in the bar you are planning on going to, and imagine that your perfect girl is there. Do you really want to miss out on meeting your perfect girl? Get out there!

3) Imagine what you want.

Let's say you made it to the bar. You are standing around, trying to work up the stones to approach. You see an incredible looking girl, but you are stuck in place.

Take a look at that girl and imagine that you are doing what you want to be doing with her. Imagine you are having an incredible conversation. You are making her laugh and she's touching your arm, OR imagine that you are isolated in some dark corner and you are making out with her, OR imagine that you are on a date, OR imagine that you are doing it at your place.

These things are ONLY going to happen if you approach, so use that mental stimulation to propel yourself into set.

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