Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Incorprating Game Part II: Lame Friends vrs Going Solo/LR teaser

Tonight I was hanging out with a few friends of mine that do not know that I am involved in the pick up community. They are the kind of guys who will look at a hot girl all night and not talk to her. A problem sprung up in our relationship once I started actually talking to the hot girl, which only got exacerbated when I started getting the hot girl's number, then sleeping with the hot girl.

There are many different dynamics in human relationships, even between male friends. I (and I know I heard the same thing from a few different PUAs) used to always be relegated into the "loser" position in all my guy cliques; I was the one with no game, who would hilariously complain about my sad state. The problem is that my guy friends liked me in this role, and after I managed to take control and meet women and start to practice tactical seduction, they started to resent my success. "What happened to the old Big Business, who used to make us laugh with all his sorry tales?" They liked that I looked up to their social mastery, and once I surpassed them they began to get all passive aggressive and lame on me.

I needed to figure out how to deal with this. I don't want to ditch my friends, but I can't simply go back through the looking glass and forget all that I've learned and all the skills I've accrued. So I made a decision: I would be lame when I hung out with these guys. These would be my guy friends that I would not talk to women around. We would hang out, have guy time, then I would leave and go back to (big) business.

Tonight I was hanging out with this group of guys when something interesting happened: One of my friends wanted to know who directed "Nashville" and we couldn't remember. So I turned to the closest person, who happened to be a girl one of my friends was scoping out, and asked her. She didn't know, but we ended up talking for a few minutes, then I left to go hang again.

Only I wasn't allowed to go back. Suddenly it was "Why were you hitting on that girl?" and "What'd you say to her, man?" and "I knew you'd fuck it up! I knew you couldn't get her number!" I tried to explain that I wasn't hitting on her, and that I was simply having a conversation, but my feeble objections fell on deaf ears. They had already decided that this was simply some pathetic attempt to meet a cute girl, which is such a wrong attitude to have that I can't even begin to talk about how wrong it is. I told them I was simply asking her a question, then tried to change the subject, knowing they wouldn't understand.

There are a few points I'd like to make.

POINT: This may happen to you. You may roll with people who will not like that you are suddenly good with women. Do not be surprised (as I was) when it happens. Simply know that you have friends who can't handle you chatting up women in their presence. You don't have to lose them entirely if you don't want to. You can incorporate game into other elements of your life, and continue to enjoy your AFC friends on the side. And...never talk about fight club.

POINT: It is better to go out by yourself than with guys who are actively ruining your game. If you roll with a bunch of dudes that doesn't like to approach, then you are better off going out alone. If you have friends who like to try and fuck up your game to make themselves feel better about having none, then you are better off going out alone. If your wings are constantly draining value from your sets, then you are better off going out alone.

I left a my friends, and just as I exited the bar I ended up walking next to a super cute girl (we'll call her Junto, for reasons that only I will understand), only this time I was alone and could be Big Business again.

To be continued...


Posey said...

I have been running into this similar situation recently. Where it is impossible to run game around my friends. Except, I am just a newbie, so I get blown out a lot and therefore make it even worse when I am around my friends. I had been considering going out by myself recently. Maybe I will start.

Big Business said...

what city do you live in? Check out the seduction boards and put out a message to people in your area. Going out solo can get you a lot better, but it great to have wings as well.

JJaouli1 said...

BB what about the idea that Braddock and Mr M preach, that sometimes you have to cut your loser friends out of your life?

I like my friends too but I know they are losers and once I really master PU and Social Circle building I don't see myself hanging with them really.

Big Business said...

Short answer: Always listen to Braddock and Mr M. They are gangsta.

Long Answer: Depends on if you want to keep them or not.

Yes, certain friends can hurt your game, not only through douche-y cockblocking, but also by unconsciously knocking down your self esteem. Those friends that are not helping you and supporting you in your life should potentially be dropped.

However, if you have friends who are great for other reasons (ie you enjoy spending time with them) then why not keep them around? I have very little free time, but I'm fine with sacrificing a few hours each week to friends who I totally enjoy, but who I cannot game girls around. Just because they have no game and don't necessarily add value to you doesn't make them bad people.

Big Business said...

Thanks for the comments, guys! Feel free to email me any questions at bigbusiness@lovesystems.com